Release date for Gothic 1 Remake
Official date: 2025
As of January 2025, we have a rumored release window around year 2025.
In short, Community Manager T-Moor recently answered a Steam Discussion saying that (quote) "The game will be released in 2025". Thus, we are now waiting for official confirmation and public advertising about this announcement. Either it will be confirmed or not, we will update this page as soon as possible.
Here is the screenshot:
Official gameplay trailer:

Join our facebook group where we talk about the Remake of Gothic! It will be easier to track all the updates!
Update 31st of August, 2024
We are waiting for official confirmation, but in an article by Tech Radar (translated from german with Google Translate) they talk about the second half of 2024.
Update 22th of August, 2024
At Gamescom, THQ Nordic made a demo available for visitors to play. You can find some gameplay videos, like this one by CohhCarnage.
We have no release date yet, but it will likely come out in 2025, maybe in spring!
Update 2nd of August, 2024
A new trailer for the Gothic remake was released at the THQ Digital Showcase 2024.
As a first impression, I have to admit that I expected better. The fact that they released a trailer with a narrator's dialogue with a neutral tone, compared to the original tone of Xardas, had a rather negative effect on me.
We certainly had the opportunity to see many interesting new features and completely renewed graphics. It seems that there will also be several new features to make the character grow and that the NPCs will be able to act completely autonomously.
However, it gave me the feeling of being a mix between Gothic 3 and Elex 2, I hope I'm wrong. No release date has been announced, unfortunately!
Let's wait for the next news, hoping that they will arrive soon!
Update 31st of August, 2023
In the Official Discord, a link to an article by Tech Radar has been published today, and the article was also released today. We can find some interesting details about the Remake! The author had a chance to see the real gameplay from the remake!
Read: Original article in german, article translated in english
Here are some important points:
- Game is expected to come out in 2024
- It will be developed using Unreal Engine 5 instead of Unreal Engine 4
- Diego will be very similar to the original, also in his behaviour (see a screenshot of Diego's mug)
- Our first weapon will still be a pickaxe
- The starting goblin will be expecting us as in the original game
- Fighting system will be similar to the original, but a bit modified (see screenshot of the fight)
- We will meet Kirgo at the pass of the valley, after the beginning
- The arena in the Old Camp will be much more interesting
- The Old Camp received lots of improvements
- The game world in the remake will be 20-30% wider than the original
Update 14th of August, 2023
A trailer showing the remake of the Old Camp has been released by THQ during their 2023 Digital Showcase. We can see a few interesting things: sneaking, pickpocketing, the guards look aggressive, the arena looks interesting, Mud is still annoying, Snaf is still cooking delicious meatbug ragout dishes, and especially there seems to be many more details than the original game!
Update 21st of July, 2023
New episode of the podcast, with Reinhard Pollice, Kai Rosenkranz and Javi Untoria, Lead game designer.
We can hear some old voices like those of Kyle, Mud, Snaf and Huno.
Furthermore, there is talk of how the arena will be enlarged and more populated, new quests will be added, there will be different NPC actions between night and day, it will even be possible to climb some walls and the mechanics related to theft, burglary and the creation of weapons will be changed.
As an example, it will be possible to create swords and arrows!
Listen to the podcast: Gothic 1 Remake | Podcast #02: Design Principles
Update 31st of May, 2023
A podcast has been released, diving deeper in some aspects of the development. The guests are Reinhard Pollice, studio director, and Kai Rosenkranz, composer.
Listen to the podcast: Gothic 1 Remake | Podcast #01: Remaking A Classic
We can hear some voices, like Diego's, but we do not know if they are just the old voices, or even the same voice actors from the original game.
Because this is the first episode, we can expect more to come out soon.
Apparently, the remake will be faithful to the original, and will cover some old plotholes present in Gothic 1. New content will be added also.
Update 21st of March, 2023
In a new interview (in german) released on DerStandard, beside the already mentioned details about the development of the game and the new content that will be added, the most interesting news is that the developers mention 2024 as the possible year of release for the game.
Of course we will wait for confirmations before declaring a release date, and we hope the game can come out at best and in a good state. Any fan of the series will probably prefer waiting some more months but have a better game!
Update 23rd of February, 2023
TechRadar released an interview with producer Reinhard Pollice!
This is the original, in german: Gothic Remake: Wie ist der aktuelle Entwicklungsstand? Ein Interview mit Reinhard Pollice
It has been translated in English by @TheCommissar on Discord and I wanted to make it available in PDF.
Here is a summary:
- The development of the remake is going well, the team consists of 45 people and the intention is to keep the game as close as possible to the original
- Combat system: it will be faithful to the original but with more possibilities, and it will be less clunky. Also, spells will be bound to the gods (Adanos, Beliar, Innos). It will also be possible to charge some spells, such as the original's Fireball.
- Skills and Environment: The skill point system remains, pickpocketing will be improved, and pickpocketing will be possible. Compared to Gothic 1, there will be some improvements in those places, such as the bandit camp, which were left a bit dormant leaving some plot holes. We will therefore find various novelties. The world will be similar in size to the original, but about 10-15% larger.
- Voices: If possible, the original actors will be kept in some cases
- Guilds and Armor: The guild system remains the same, but will be improved where some pieces were missing. We don't know if it will be possible to craft and customize equipment.
- Accessibility and AI: The remake aims to be smoother and easier to play than before, but also wants to meet the expectations of the old fans. Regarding artificial intelligence, some deep learning technologies are being used for the design of faces and NPCs.
Update 4th of February, 2023
Alkimia Interactive updated their FAQs regarding the Remake! Here they are:
- Q: When is the release planned?
A: There is no release date at the moment. We will announce it once it is 100% locked in. - Q: How many members are there in the team working on Gothic 1 Remake?
A: There are around 40 people inhouse, but we also have a good number in partner studios supporting us. - Q: Why isn’t Piranha Bytes doing this?
A: Piranha Bytes has decided that they want to focus on other projects within their proven RPG formula. - Q: Will you guys keep including the community?
A: Development takes years sometimes, so we will try to include our community as much as possible - Q: Do you own the rights for the music for Gothic 1?
A: Yes, we do, but we cannot comment yet on inclusion. - Q: Will you use the old voice actors?
A: We plan to go back to the old voice actors, if it is possible. - Q: How much time was spent on making the prototype?
A: We spent a small year on it. And there were only 7 people working on it. - Q: How similar will the final version of the game be to the Playable Teaser?
A: After collecting all the feedback we got, it was decided to start from scratch, and the final version of the game will have almost nothing in common with the Playable Teaser version. - Q: Will you change the combat system?
A: Yes, there will be a completely new combat system where the core reference goes back to the classic Gothic 1 & 2. - Q: Will the Hero remain so talkative?
A: No, the Hero’s behaviour will be closer to the original game. - Q: The Playable Teaser has no Gothic spirit! Why should we trust you?
A: It was a conscious move in the other direction to get the strongest possible response from the community. We took all the feedback into account and the final game will have almost nothing in common with the Playable Teaser and will be closer to the original. - Q: Will there be new music from Kai Rosenkranz?
A: Yes, there will be new material too. - Q: Will there be micro-transactions or an in-game store?
A: No! That was a 1 April joke! - Q: Will the game be available for PlayStation or XBOX?
A: Yes! Gothic 1 Remake will be available for PC, PlayStation 5 and XBOX Series S|X. - Q: What are the system requirements?
A: Unfortunately, there is no information about them yet. We will inform you as soon as we can. - Q: What localizations will be available?
A: All the localizations you can find on our Steam page. - Q: What will be the price of the game? Will there be different editions for the game?
A: Currently, there is no information about this. - Q: Which game engine is being used?
A: Gothic Remake is powered by Unreal Engine 4. - Q: Which platforms is Gothic Remake going to be released on?
A: The game will be released on Steam for sure and potentially other PC storefronts, as well as PlayStation 5 and XBOX Series S|X.
Source: Discord
Update 30th of December, 2022
To wish everyone happy holidays, THQ Nordic released a new sneak peek revealing a screenshot for the new design of the Old Camp, with the background music from Kai Rosenkranz!
Update 18th of September, 2022
On Gamestar came out an article written in german, describing the preview of the remake and interviewing the developers. Some game screenshots are shown but these have not been made public yet, as the complete article can be read only with a membership.
But of course on Reddit and Facebook some users posted the screenshots for new armor models and new locations.
- Reddit: Comparison of recently leaked Remake armors
- Reddit: More pics from Gamestar
- Reddit: Armors
- Facebook Group: Screenshots from the new Gothic Remake
- Youtube: Gamestar video interview (in german)
Update 25th of August, 2022
At the Gamescom 2022 there was a chance to talk about Gothic Remake. It seems that some details came out, even if no official statement about any release date.
- The game might come out in 2023 or 2024, hardly before
- Developers are taking players feedbacks seriously
- Ambience, design, dialogues and characters will be more similar to the original game
- They are trying to involve some original voice actors but it will be hard to do so for all the characters
- Il sistema di combattimento sarà molto diverso dal Playable Teaser (guarda il video del sistema di combattimento di Gothic Remake Playable Teaser)
- The combat system will be very different from the Playable Teaser (have a look at the video showcasing the combat system on the Gothic Remake Playable Teaser)
Music will be curated by Kai Rosenkranz!
Also, another notable mention is that Kai Rosenkranz will work on the music for Gothic Remake! This announcement comes from a Tweet posted by Alkimia Interactive itself! For those who don't know, Kai Rosenkranz is the same guy that worked on music for Gothic 1, 2, 3 and Risen!
Update 12th of August, 2022
During the THQ Nordic Digital Showcase, the first official trailer video has been released and it showcases the Old Mine:
We can see the first person POV of the camera entering the mine and showing us miners, shadows, guards, slave orcs, and going down to the lower levels, reaching the tunnel of the minecrawlers... Are you ready to pass the test of faith?
The trailer is not just a cinematic but is actually engine footage, as declared by Alkimia Interactive on Twitter.

Follow me on Facebook and Youtube to get all the updates about Gothic 1 Remake!
Update 17th of March, 2022:
On some social networks appeared a news reporting a possible release date for March 31, 2023 (Reddit, Facebook). This date has been denied by THQ's Community Manager, therefore we cannot take it as official. It is probably an auto generated added by Steam.
Update 6th of March, 2022:
As posted on Reddit by u/easydestroyer, one of the devs working for Gothic 2: Chronicles of Myrtana has started working on Gothic Remake with Alkimia Interactive! Here is the official post on Linkedin. This is surely good news, because it means that the Remake could be better than expected and more similar to the original game. Also, this could mean that the developers are really watching the community to collect feedbacks and keep an eye open for interesting stuff, like the mentioned Mod for Gothic 2.

Update 30th of November, 2021:
The first Minecrawler rendering has been shown and Alkimia stated that their team is made of 35 people working at THQ Barcellona, so it seems like they are taking this remake quite seriously. They are also being helped by outsourcers and other contractors (imo, probably for graphics design) and they are looking for a Community Manager to work with them at Barcellona!!
You can read the original statement on Steam or on Twitter.
Previously, Alkimia Interactive had announced that they were working heavily on the remake and they clearly got the message from the users: the remake has to respect the original game.
This is the statement posted on Twitter:
"Since we started in 2020, we’ve assembled a strong team and are hard at work on the Gothic Remake @gothicthegame ! We took your feedback to heart - the full Remake will pay respect to the original Gothic game and will be very close to it. We can’t wait to share more details soon!"
In the meantime, be sure to check out our Gothic Remake Playable Teaser review!
What do you think about the Remake? Let us know in the comments!
To get all the updates about Gothic 1 Remake, be sure to follow me on Facebook and Youtube!